


The following sections detail how to create a connection, you should however only do this once and create a profile. With a profile you can reuse connection settings, see Profiles.


The following should work with the default

$ phpcrsh --transport=jackrabbit


  • repo-url: URL for server, default http://localhost:8080/server


General connections

The following is the minimal required parameters to connect to a MySQL database:

$ phpcrsh --transport=doctrine-dbal --db-name="mydb"


  • db-name: Name of database to connect to

  • db-user: Username for database, default root

  • db-password: Password for database, default empty

  • db-host: Host for database, default localhost

  • db-path: Path to sqlite database

Connect to Sqlite database

$ phpcrsh --transport=doctrine-dbal --db-path=/path/to/app.sqlite

More settings

For a full list of settings run:

$ phpcrsh --help


You can create or use a profile using a single option, –profile or -p for short.

For example:

$ phpcrsh -pmyapp --transport=doctrine-dbal --db-path=/path/to/app.sqlite

Will create a profile called myapp. Profiles are stored as YAML files in $HOME:./.phpcrsh/profiles/<profilename>. And can be manually edited.

To select a profile launch PHPCRSH without any arguments

$ phpcrsh
No connection parameters, given. Select an existing profile:

  (0) dtlweb
  (1) ezcmf
  (2) jackrabbit
  (3) ratest
  (4) slinp_test
  (5) slinptest
  (6) sulucmf

Enter profile number: []

To explicitly use a profile use the -p option again:

$ phpcrsh --profile ratest
# or
$ phpcrsh -pratest


A profile is only created if the transport option is set.

Connect to an embedded PHPCR shell

This is the easiest way to connect if you have are developing a Symfony 2 application

See Install as an embedded application.

You can then connect simply using:

$ php app/console phpcr:shell

And you can execute specific commands:

$ php app/console phpcr:shell node:list /cms

Queries or commands with options must be escapted due to limitations with the Symfony console component:

$ php app/console phpcr:shell "SELECT * FROM [nt:unstructured]"
$ php app/console phpcr:shell "node:list -L2"