Reading data and traversal

You can wrap any code into try catch blocks. See the API doc for what exceptions to expect on which calls. With PHPCR being ported from Java, there is a lot of Exceptions defined. But as this is PHP, you don’t have to catch them. As long as your content is as the code expects, it won’t matter.

$node = $session->getNode('/data/node');
echo $node->getName(); // will be 'node'
echo $node->getPath(); // will be '/data/node'

Reading properties


//get the node from the session
$node = $session->getNode('/data/node');

// get the php value of a property (type automatically determined from stored information)
echo $node->getPropertyValue('title');

// get the Property object to operate on
$property = $node->getProperty('content');
echo 'Size of '.$property->getPath().' is '.$property->getLength();

// read a property that could be very long
$property = $node->getProperty('content');

// if it is binary convert into string
$data = $property->getString();
echo $data;

// get binary stream. could be more performant with binary property
$stream = $property->getBinary();

// the above in short if you just want to dump a file that is in a binary property:
// fpassthru($node->getPropertyValue('binary-prop'));

Note: the backend stores the property types. When getting property values, they are returned with that type, unless you use one of the explicit PropertyInterface::getXX methods. For that case, type conversion is attempted and an exception thrown if this is not possible.

See the API doc for a list of all supported types.

// get all properties of this node
foreach ($node->getPropertiesValues() as $name => $value) {
    echo "$name: $value\n";
// get the properties of this node with a name starting with 't'
foreach ($node->getPropertiesValues("t*") as $name => $value) {
    echo "$name: $value\n";

Traversing the hierarchy

//get the node from the session
$node = $session->getNode('/data/node');

// getting a node by path relative to the node
$othernode = $node->getNode('../sibling'); // /sibling

// get all child nodes. the $node is Iterable, the iterator being all children
$node = $session->getNode('/data/sibling');
foreach ($node as $name => $child) {
    if ($child->hasProperties()) {
        echo "$name has properties\n";
    } else {
        echo "$name does not have properties\n";

// get child nodes with the name starting with 'c'
foreach ($node->getNodes('c*') as $name => $child) {
    echo "$name\n";

// get child nodes with the name starting with 'o' or ending with '2' or named 'yetanother'
foreach ($node->getNodes(array('o*', '*2', 'yetanother')) as $name => $child) {
    echo "$name\n";

// get the parent node
$parent = $node->getParent(); // /

// build a breadcrumb of the node ancestry
$node = $session->getNode('/data/sibling/yetanother');
$i = 0;
$breadcrumb = array();
do {
    $parent = $node->getAncestor($i);
    $breadcrumb[$parent->getPath()] = $parent->getName();
} while ($parent != $node);