
The PHPCRSH is designed to be a hybrid of a filesystem and an RDBMS shell. You can both navigate the content hierarchy and execute queries.


PHPCRSH supports “aliases”. In this chapter we will use aliases rather than the full version of the commands, for example “ls” instead of “node:list”, “rm” instead of “node:remove” etc. See the chapter on Aliases for more information.

This chapter aims to highlight some but not all of the features of the shell. For a full list of commands use the list command.

For help with a specific command use the --help option.

The current path

You can navigate the content hierarchy using shell:path:change (or cd for short). The pwd command is the alias for shell:path:show and displays the current working path:

PHPCRSH > cd cms

Listing node contents

You can list the contents of a node with the node:list command (or ls):

/ [nt:unstructured] > nt:base
| cms/            | nt:unstructured |                 |
| jcr:primaryType | NAME            | nt:unstructured |

Which also accepts a target:

PHPCRSH > ls cms
/cms [nt:unstructured] > nt:base
| pages/             | nt:unstructured |                                   |
| posts/             | nt:unstructured |                                   |
| routes/            | nt:unstructured |                                   |
| jcr:primaryType    | NAME            | nt:unstructured                   |
| jcr:mixinTypes     | NAME            | [0] phpcr:managed                 |
| phpcr:class        | STRING          | Acme\BasicCmsBundle\Document\Site |
| phpcr:classparents | STRING          |                                   |

And a depth:

PHPCRSH > ls -L2
/ [nt:unstructured] > nt:base
| cms/                                                                     | nt:unstructured |                                   |
|   pages/                                                                 | nt:unstructured |                                   |
|   | main/                                                                | nt:unstructured |                                   |
|   | jcr:primaryType                                                      | NAME            | nt:unstructured                   |
|   posts/                                                                 | nt:unstructured |                                   |
|   | Consequatur quisquam recusandae asperiores accusamus nihil repellat. | nt:unstructured |                                   |
|   | Velit soluta explicabo eligendi occaecati debitis et saepe eum.      | nt:unstructured |                                   |
|   | jcr:primaryType                                                      | NAME            | nt:unstructured                   |
|   routes/                                                                | nt:unstructured |                                   |
|     page/                                                                | nt:unstructured |                                   |
|     post/                                                                | nt:unstructured |                                   |
|     jcr:primaryType                                                      | NAME            | nt:unstructured                   |
|   jcr:primaryType                                                        | NAME            | nt:unstructured                   |
|   jcr:mixinTypes                                                         | NAME            | [0] phpcr:managed                 |
|   phpcr:class                                                            | STRING          | Acme\BasicCmsBundle\Document\Site |
|   phpcr:classparents                                                     | STRING          |                                   |
| jcr:primaryType                                                          | NAME            | nt:unstructured                   |

In addition to listing the actual node content, you can also show the node properties and children which are defined in the schema with the -t option (t for template). The second of the following two examples illustrates this option:

/cms/foo [nt:unstructured] > nt:base
| home               | slinpTest:article       | Home                                           |
| jcr:primaryType    | NAME                    | slinpTest:article                              |
| title              | STRING                  | Slinp Web Content Framework                    |
PHPCRSH> ls -t
/cms/foo [nt:unstructured] > nt:base
| home               | slinpTest:article       | Home                                           |
| @*                 | nt:base                 |                                                |
| jcr:primaryType    | NAME                    | slinpTest:article                              |
| title              | STRING                  | Slinp Web Content Framework                    |
| @tags              | STRING                  |                                                |

In the above examples you see first the “current” contents of the node, in the second we use the -t option to list “template” items, i.e. items which are defined in the node schema but which are as yet unrealized. Template items are indicated with the @ symbol. The * indicates zero or many.


It is possible to use wildcard expansion when listing node contents:

PHPCRSH> node:list /cms/articles/*/*title

Wildcards also work on some other commands such as node:remove

Editing nodes

You can edit nodes simply by using your system’s default editor (as defined by the $EDITOR environment variable).

PHPCRSH> node:edit cms

The above will open an editor, e.g. VIM, with a YAML file similar to the following:

    type: Name
    value: 'slinpTest:article'
    type: String
    value: Home
    type: String
    value: [automobiles, trains, planes]

You can edit the node properties, then save and quit the editor, the node will then be updated in the session.

Saving and refreshing the session

Changes made to nodes in the session are not persisted immediately (with the exception of node:copy which is a workspace command).

To persist changes to the repository you must call session:save (or save).

You can also refresh (or reset) the session by calling session:refresh (or refresh).